Colic Pain | Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment by Dr. Pankaj Sharma Hospital | Child Specialist

2022-12-29 3

Colic Pain (बच्चों में पेट का दर्द) usually appears a few weeks after birth and carries on until the infant is about three to four months old. Even though they may cry a great deal, colic is neither dangerous nor harmful.
Experts say that colic has no long-term effects and an infant with colic will gain weight and feed normally. Colic is relatively short-lived.

Symptoms of Colic Pain by Dr. Pankaj Sharma Hospital News -

The following symptoms will appear in an otherwise healthy and well-fed infant:

1. Intense crying: The infant cries intensely and furiously, and there is not much the parents can do to comfort them. The baby’s face will become red and flushed. Crying episodes tend to occur at the same time every day – generally during the late afternoon or evening. Episodes may last from a few minutes to much longer periods. Crying usually starts suddenly and for no apparent reason
2. Changed posture: Fists may be clenched, tensed abdominal muscles, knees drawn up, and the back arched
Sleeping: Sleep may be irregular and interrupted with episodes of crying
3. Feeding: Feeding may also be interrupted and irregular with episodes of intense crying. However, the amount the baby eats each day is not reduced
4. Wind: During episodes of intense crying, the baby may pass wind
5. Varying intensities: With some infants, symptoms are mild, and the baby may only experience periods of restlessness.

Treatments- There are not many treatments for colic. However, there are things a parent can do when calming an infant with colic.

-Wrapping an infant firmly in a blanket during a crying episode may help.
-Some infants respond well to being held.
-Sit the baby upright when feeding. This makes it less likely that air is swallowed.
-More frequent, smaller feedings may help.
-Breastfeeding mothers may find that if they avoid tea, coffee, spicy foods, and alcohol, the baby’s colic symptoms become less severe.
-Some evidence suggests that a hypoallergenic diet for the mother might improve conditions. This is a diet that excludes dairy, eggs, wheat, or nuts.
-Some parents have found that offering the baby a pacifier helps
-Make sure the holes in the bottle teats are the right size. If they are too small, the baby is likely to swallow more air during each feed. There is a range of bottle teats available for purchase online.
-Make sure you have burped your baby after a feed. Sit the baby upright or hold them against your shoulder with the neck and head supported. Rub their back and stomach your air comes out. It is normal for the baby to bring up some milk.
-Sometimes picking up and putting down an infant frequently may worsen the crying. Comforting the baby in a quiet place with dimmed lighting often works better. When you are sure the baby feels better, leave them in the crib for a while.
-Some people find that going for a walk with the stroller helps settle the baby down, as might a drive in the car. Or anything that keeps the baby in motion – an infant sling may